
Christian School Improvement Platform (CSIP)

The ACSI Christian School Improvement Platform (CSIP) was developed by the ACSI Europe office and has been introduced across Europe and in South America.
As a result of several meetings with the ACSI Europe team, we are excited to introduce the CSIP here in South Africa.
For an in-depth summary of exactly what the CSIP entails, click here


Some of the major benefits of the CSIP are:

Standards were developed from the ACSI REACH, INSPIRE and PSI accreditation and school improvement programmes, which have been proven to be effective over a number of years.
The platform is online, which means that costs can be kept low.
The first phase of the process is a self-assessment in which a small, representative team from your school goes through the various standards and indicators to assess where areas of strength and weakness exist. Thus the whole process is aspirational rather than something imposed from outside.
After the self-assessment, are port will be generated with recommendations. From this report, strategic goals are developed by your school, which lead to a strategic school improvement plan.
The final stage of the process is a peer-review process, in which ACSI directors, as well as experienced principal colleagues, are invited to the school to develop an even deeper accountability. This phase is some way down the road and may or may not be requested by a school. It will not be imposed on a school.

Currently, the cost of using the Christian School Improvement Platform is included as part of your ACSI partnership fee. This arrangement will be reviewed on an annual basis.

Where to start

It is recommended that you discuss the implementation of the CSIP with your management, staff and possibly also with your board. It will require input from all stakeholders in the school to be really meaningful and shouldn’t be rushed. Then, if your school is interested and is an ACSI school, click on the button below to register on the South African CSIP site. Only School Editors will be able to register.

We look forward to partnering with you on this very special journey of school improvement.Should you have any questions regarding the CSIP, please let us know.

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Please note this resource is only available for ACSI Partner School Editors!