
Datya Mission/G.A.P Year for Christ

Year of Your Life to discover God’s appointed purpose and identity in your life, through a real and biblical relationship with Abba Father, Holy Spirit and Lord Jesus Christ, to be discipled, equipped and gain skills to enjoy a Godly adventure as you are trained and equipped to serve this broken world and give them Christ Jesus through your lifestyle and God’s Calling on your life – Math 22:36-40, Math 28:18-20 and Math 6:33.

Gap Year Programme: Bible School, evangelism training, mission training local and cross border, skills development, ministry admin, leadership, counselling and fitness, outdoor survival, camping, 4×4, horse training in building a true relationship with the Trinity – Certification in Bible School 1st year, evangelism, missional training, foundations for farming (Farming God’s Way), and many other evangelism and missionary courses – adventure activities, mountain lodging and in-house meals and fitness training. Currently setting up school group camping and activities.



Darrin Erskine
Position: Evangelist and Director
066 0085 948