

We are a full-service Tutoring and Teacher Development Institute that provides services to students, schools and homeschoolers both online and in person. We offer unparalleled support and guidance for students from Grades 4 to 12, looking to improve their marks and university eligibility in all subjects. We screen our students in order to place them with a tutor most suited to their needs. All our staff members are qualified teachers with vast experience, to cater to your child’s needs.
We have a team of dedicated experts and facilitators who provide online Teacher Development programmes and courses. The aim of our teacher development programmes is to empower educators in today’s schooling climate, to increase their skill set and share mechanisms and techniques they can use to better themselves and in turn better their professional behaviours and outlook.

Our Subject Specialists develop exam papers from Grades 8 – 12 across all subjects and multiple curricula. With the ever-increasing load and responsibilities of teachers, time is of the essence. We know that setting exam papers can take hours and hours. That’s where we step in and lighten your load – we will develop and set your entire exam paper, curriculum compliant.



Janine Broughton
Position: Head of Teacher and Exam Development
083 4973 792