Online Bookstore
ACSI sells a range of books to help facilitate Christian Education across schools. Listed below are the different series available. To place an order or to view samples, simply click on the buttons below for each series.
Teaching Redemptively
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As a Teacher, you are God’s agent in the classroom. You have a divine calling to reveal who Jesus is and what His Kingdom is like to the students God has entrusted to you with grace and truth. No matter where or what you are teaching, you have an incredible opportunity to participate in God’s larger story and make His Kingdom visible. In the third edition of Teaching Redemptively, Donovan reviews perspectives to guide teachers in best practices and illustrates ways to teach for Kingdom transformation. Beyond techniques, he encourages you to deepen your personal intimacy with God so that you can thrive in spiritual health and well-being.
Lighthouse Series
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The Lighthouse series is an excellent, value-driven Christian curriculum that is CAPS aligned and Biblically integrated. The purpose of the curriculum is to guide learners to have a thorough knowledge and understanding of the subject content and principles so that they are equipped to apply the new knowledge together with their gifts and talents in God’s service and their community.
Bible Series
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The eight-level Bible textbook series provides multiple opportunities for students to choose to follow Jesus and develop a personal relationship with Him. Students will learn how to apply biblical truth to their lives as they memorize Scripture and learn about Christlike character. Compatible with any translation, this series can easily tie into your chapel program and provide cross-curricular connection
Encyclopaedia Bible Truth Series
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This comprehensive index to the Bible is the fruit of a life’s dedication and study by Dr. Ruth Haycock. Because a wide variety of subjects are covered and defined in light of Scripture, this tool will become your constant companion as you answer questions, prepare lessons, do research, and lead topical studies.
‘n Kurrikulum is vanuit die reformatoriese perspektief ontwikkel en beskikbaar vanaf Graad R tot Graad 7, asook enkele vakke vanaf Graad 8 tot 12. ‘n Kenmerk van hierdie handboeke is dat Bybelse norme en waardes geïntegreer word in al die vakke. Akademies voldoen die inhoud aan meer as die KABV vereistes.