ACSI Service Providers
ACSI is proud to connect your school with the following service providers. The following service providers are categorised below for your convenience.
Our curriculum partners are here to help teachers, learners and parents with a wide variety of resources, such as knowledge-based assessment and exam papers. In addition, they provide training and professional development.
Ask Archie Education (Pty) Ltd
Booktalk (Pty) Ltd
EcoHome [Pty] Ltd
Edit Microsystems (Pty) Ltd
Genesis Design Organisation
Isivuno Training
Open Schools Worldwide
Optimi Classroom & Cami
Pharos Textbooks
Qualibooks Holdings Pty Ltd
Reflective Learning
SAToyTrade cc
South African Teachers' Union/Suid-Afrikaanse Onderwysersunie (SAOU)
SwitchedOn Education
The Bridge Builder Project
Early Childhood Development
ACSI service providers in the early childhood education sector provide various tools, products and training to assist your school’s leaders, teachers and learners.
Our wonderful service providers help learners to build confidence and character through their sport clinics, courses and musical training.
Our financial service providers are ready to assist your school to develop and maintain those benefits that meet your school’s needs, in a cost effective and streamlined manner.
Increase efficiencies and smoother operations, along with improved employee satisfaction, by contacting our legal partners, who offer labour law advice to the Independent Educational sector.
Our parenting service providers are there to help build a positive and healthy culture in your school, by encouraging open communication between teachers, parents, and learners, through which character and values can be developed.
Social Issues
Our service providers help individuals and communities to fulfil their potential and to achieve healthier and more positive life choices. These service providers are skilled individuals who have a range of programmes to help schools to engage with critical social issues.
Student Services
Schools are constantly looking for ways to grow, build and strengthen their student leaders and learners. Our ACSI gap year and camping partners have outstanding facilities, and they offer a wide variety of skills development programmes to activate learners’ potential and develop leadership abilities.
Technology has advanced dramatically over a short period of time, which has impacted education. Our partners provide quality services with a wide variety of options in the technological space.
To improve the quality of education, our service providers develop solutions that are in line with biblical, servant-hearted leadership and teaching.
Dr Anke de Beer
CDR Equipping NPC
Centre for Early Childhood Development
Christian Book Discounters
Club Engage
Doxa Deo City Changers Movement
Edify - Building the Soul
Edit Microsystems (Pty) Ltd
Futureproof SA
Haggai Centre for Teacher Development
Isivuno Training
More Than A Teacher
Open Schools Worldwide
Optimi Classroom & Cami
Protective Behaviours Southern Africa
SAToyTrade cc
Sexuality Matters
South African Teachers' Union/Suid-Afrikaanse Onderwysersunie (SAOU)
Teachbeyond South Africa
The Guardian South Africa
Tomorrow's Leaders in Training