
Why choose an ACSI Partner School for your child

At our Christian partner schools, the staff are equipped to address each of the developing areas of a child's life. These schools take the responsibility to develop children's minds seriously, without distancing God from academics.

Christian Schools

The benefits of an ACSI partner school in the lives of your children.

Shape Lives
The choices you make for your child's education shapes them academically, spiritually, and in their long-term worldview and skills.
Develop Potential
Our schools know that developing skills in young people is essential to help them reach their God-given potential.
Cultivate Goodness
Christian educators help to cultivate a worldview in which God has His rightful place, and they look to the Bible for guidance in answering life's big questions.
Nurture Growth
Educators at ACSI partner schools will help to enhance your child's spiritual and academic development in an intentional, nurturing manner.

Become a Partner School

Become part of the ACSI family, where we focus on the relationships between the people who have been called by God to serve in Christian education. Start the journey today with these four easy steps.