Redeeming the Mountain of Education
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- Date 03/09/2024
Redeeming the Mountain of Education
Morgan Nel | ACSI Assistant Director
God instigates and inspires wisdom, knowledge and education. Children are born with an attitude that leans towards learning, but too often it is lost along the path of life.
Biblically, the authority to educate lies in the family – the very authority that has been under attack in many cultures over the past decades. Most Christian families delegate this authority to schools, either public or independent. However, we should never underestimate the importance of parenting as this should be the primary source of impartation and equipping children for life.
As independent Christian schools, we cannot and should not attempt to operate in isolation from the family, but rather to come alongside families, as we teach children to understand what is right and why it’s right.
The word disciple partly means “learner”. This clarifies our mandate, as teachers in Christian schools. What we model will cultivate a culture in the children (learners) in our care.
Have you developed a personal Working Vocational Mission Statement?
Here is an example of one:
To provide for the development of the God-given gifts in every child for the service of their fellow man and society, believing every child is gifted by God and has the right for those gifts to be developed to their highest potential.
Here are some foundational pointers to help you along the way, as we redeem the mountain of education:
- God designed life as a school of learning
Only humans are created in God’s image. It doesn’t matter how clever some animals are, like chimps, we are the only species that are image bearers of God.
We were created to rule over the earth. We were not ordained to rule over other humans!
God created humans with a free will. God gives humans the choice to learn or not. There is no place for indoctrination.
Read: Genesis 1:26-28
- God made parents responsible for their children’s education
The authority has in many cases been delegated to us as teachers. As we surrender to the Holy Spirit in our lives, as we are transformed by the renewing of our minds and as we are encouraged by the Holy Spirit, we can bring lasting change in children’s lives. Most of the work of Christian teachers is done on our knees.
Impress the Word of God by discussing it in class, on the playground and the sports field, among the children, and allow the Word to guide their minds, hearts and hands as they work throughout the day.
Read: Deuteronomy 6:4-9
- Every child has the right to develop to his or her full potential
Adam put his sons to work, and it became clear that each of them had their own interests and skills. Cain worked the ground and Abel liked the animals. We are all created in God’s image, but we are also different and unique by design. Society would not work if it were different.
For schools it is convenient to develop a “one size fits all” approach to education. How do we plan, prepare and deliver a learning environment that celebrates the diversity and uniqueness of the children in our care?
How are we going to equip our children to find joy, significance and meaning in life?
Every child can learn, every child has value, and every child has the right to reach his or her full potential.
Read: Genesis 4:2b
Read: James 2:8-9
- Knowledge is all around us
God’s wisdom and knowledge is not just found in the Bible. Christians and non-Christians alike can discover some of his knowledge. It is discoverable to all!
God has locked up wisdom in the universe waiting to be discovered. His knowledge and insight can be found in all disciplines in life; it is not just the Bible that contains wisdom or knowledge.
Read: Job 12:7-12
- Truth is not relative
The more we obey His Word, the more we will grow spiritually, which will lead to greater
liberty. Truth is not relative. Truth is real, so is it with lies!
Children are bombarded with relativism in their studies and moral life. Often it sounds like this, “This is just your truth, but my truth looks different. Who says that what you believe is the absolute truth? Christians are arrogant by thinking you have the only truth.”
How can we teach our children to live with humility, but still grounded in the truths Jesus presents?
Read: John 8:31, 32
- Beware of the danger of a certain type of knowledge
The church in Colossi had to deal with false teachers. They added additional philosophies; Jesus is not enough. They imposed circumcision on Christians. They introduced all kinds of rules and regulations about what to eat and drink, what feasts and fasts to observe. They also introduced the worship of angels; Jesus is just one intermediary.
These teachers asked people to give Christ up, just to make him part of a new system. The moment this happens, Christ is no longer central, and is removed of His rightful place of pre-eminence!
Some ‘knowledge’ wants to destruct, divide and rebel.
Read: Colossians 2:8
One of the greatest gifts we can give to children, is the ability to discern; the ability to look deeper or beyond the obvious and to see things as they really are. This is a spiritual exercise, listening to the Spirit of all wisdom. But it also entails a mind that can dissect. How can we train young minds to discern and to dissect the things that are coming their way?
Take action: Invite our directors to present a workshop for your staff on Biblical Integration at your school.